So I started off today with quite a workout running up and down stairs at work from meeting to meeting (talk about a CRAZY day!!!), then home to tackle some homework before dinner. I was going to climb on the bike trainer for about an hour, but after reading an e-mail noting we would only have four players for tonight's volleyball games at Hotshots (and we're not off to our all-time hottest start this season), I figured I'd best leave the legs as energized as I can. I was right. With only four people (and, of course, our superb passing skills), we certainly got our running in. Took one game out of three against a team of six players, but had a great time despite the score.

I should note that Mrs. Beagle was extra special sweet tonight. Despite having a rough day, she had a travel pillow and bag (baseball motif) for Cricket, our dog, and I received a bag full of popcorn and a biking tie for Valentine's Day. What an awesome gal!!!
- Breakfast -- large decaf coffee, FiberOne oats/chocolate bar
- Lunch -- turkey sandwich on wheat with lettuce, onion, and Italian dressing; 1 cup chips, pickle slice
- Dinner -- two pork chops, scalloped potatoes, broccoli (popcorn)
- After vball -- Wegman's sports drink, lots of water, celebratory Coors Lite

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